by CCWC | Jun 21, 2017 | News
This Sunday, our friends at the Waterton Opera House are hosting The Missing Piece Rendezvous II – a benefit concert for the Flathead Valley. The Waterton Lakes Opera House will host this benefit concert for the expansion of Waterton Park into B.C.’s...
by CCWC | May 16, 2017 | Events, News
CCWC hikes are free; however there are costs to coordinate and produce the hiking program and donations are always appreciated. Let your friends know, and bring them along to introduce them to the area. Be prepared for mountain conditions, and to be flexible due to...
by CCWC | May 4, 2017 | Events, News
Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition is once again providing an opportunity for you to help enhance and/or maintain the ecological health of the Castle area. This summer a number of group weed pulls have been organized to address areas where invasive plant species have...
by CCWC | Apr 20, 2017 | Events, News
Join us on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at Coalfields School (Beaver Mines area – closest intersection is Hwy. 507 & RR22 AGM – 10 am – noon with guest speakers Dr. Andy Hurly and Lorne Fitch P.Biol and Thomas Porter Lunch – noon – 1 pm...